Choosing Places to Hang Plants
If you’re wondering where to hang plants, there’s nothing wrong with hanging a basket from a tree branch. Steel S-hooks, which come in a range of sizes, make easy work of hanging baskets in the garden. Be sure the branch is sturdy, because baskets filled with damp soil and plants are very heavy and can easily break a weak branch. Railing planters or decorative brackets, suitable for outdoor hanging plants on fences or balconies, are available in a vast range of prices, styles, and materials ranging from plastic to wood or galvanized metals. No place for outdoor hanging plants? Shepherd’s hooks don’t take up much space, they’re easy to install, and the height is usually adjustable. Some have enough hooks for up to four plants. Shepherd’s hooks are also handy for birdfeeders or solar lights.
Tips on Hanging Baskets in The Garden
Consider places to hang plants carefully. Site plants low enough to water easily, but high enough that you aren’t likely to bump your head. Monitor sunlight for your outdoor hanging plants. For instance, baskets from trees generally need to be shade tolerant. Plant suggestions for shady spots include:
IvyPansiesToreniaFuchsiaBegoniaBacopaImpatiensStreptocarpusFernsChenille plant
There are many suitable plants if you’re looking for outdoor hanging plants for a sunny spot. A few examples include:
CalibrachoaGeraniumsPetuniasMoss RosesScaevola
Fill containers with a lightweight commercial potting mix and be sure pots have a good drainage hole in the bottom so water can drain freely. Water hanging plants in the garden frequently, as the soil in hanging baskets dries out quickly. You may need to water outdoor hanging plants twice a day during the peak of summer.